How To Practicing Positive Thinking- A complete Guide

positive thinking, positive mindset, stop negative thoughts. Tips for practicing positive thinking.

Always look forward with enthusiasm and never look back with regret. You, more than anybody else in the universe, are deserving of your love and care. Think positively, be optimistic, and good things will happen.


Positive thinking is more than simply a slogan. It alters our behavior, and we must believe that being good benefits ourselves and those around us. We become what we think about, and in this discussion, we'll look at how to adopt positive thinking as taught by Dr Muhammad Sharfat Ali.

What is Positive Thinking?

Positive thinking, often known as an optimistic mindset, concentrates on the positive aspects of a situation. It has the potential to have a significant impact on your physical and mental health. That isn't to say you should ignore reality or make light of issues. It simply implies that you approach life's good and bad with the anticipation of things going well.

Someone has probably told you to "see the glass half full" or "see on the bright side." The people who make these comments are almost undoubtedly positive thinkers. Researchers discover More and more pieces of evidence pointing to the numerous benefits of optimism and positive thinking.

Benefits Of Positive Thinking

Here we are going to enlist some benefits of positive thinking.

Stress Relief

Positive thinkers cope better than pessimists when confronted with unpleasant events. Rather than concentrating on their grievances or things they can't alter, they'll design a strategy and seek help and advice from others.

Increase Immunity

People who were optimistic about a specific and crucial aspect of their lives, such as their academic performance, had a higher immunological response than those who were pessimistic about the issue.

Improve Wellness

Positive thinking has an impact on your ability to manage stress and your immunity, as well as your overall well-being, including a lower chance of mortality from cardiovascular disease, less depression, and a longer lifespan. They can enhance their health and well-being by better managing stress and avoiding destructive behaviors.

The mental benefits may include

  • More inventiveness
  • Improved problem-solving abilities
  • Greater clarity of thought
  • Mood improvement
  • Improved coping abilities
  • There is less depression.

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  • How to Practice Positive thinking

    Positive thinking can be won using various approaches demonstrated to work, including positive self-talk and positive imagery. Here are some pointers to help you get started in training your brain to think positively.

    Focus On Good Things

    Life is full of challenging events and hurdles. When confronted with one, focus on the positive aspects, no matter how minor or inconsequential they may appear. Even if it isn't immediately apparent, there is always a silver lining in every cloud if you look for it. For example, if someone cancels plans, think about how it frees up time for you to watch TV or do anything else you enjoy.

    Smile More

    According to a study, people who smiled (or even faked a smile) while undertaking a demanding task felt better later than those who wore a neutral look. However, if the smile is genuine, you will profit more. So look for ways to laugh and spend time with people or things that do.

    Focus On Your Strengths

    Consider one of your characteristics, such as kindness, organization, discipline, or creativity, every day for a week. Make a list of how you intend to apply that strength in new ways that day. Then take action. In research, people who did this increased their happiness and reduced their depressive symptoms by the end of the week. Those benefits have remained in effect six months later.

    Practice Gratitude

    Even in the face of adversity, thankfulness has been shown to reduce stress, increase self-esteem, and develop resilience. Consider the people, moments, or things that provide you joy or comfort, and try to express your thanks at least once a day. This might be because you're thanking a coworker for their help on a project, a loved one for doing the dishes, or your puppy for their unconditional devotion.

    Reveal Yourself up to Humor

    Allow yourself to laugh and be open to comedy in all situations, including the unpleasant ones. It quickly brightens the mood and makes things appear less challenging. Even if you're not in the mood to laugh, pretending or pushing yourself to do so will help you feel better and reduce stress.

    Practice Positive Self Talk

    We tend to be the harshest on ourselves and our harshest critics. This might lead to a negative self-perception that is difficult to overcome over time. You must be aware of the voice in your brain and reply with positive words, commonly known as positive self-talk, to stop this.

    Identify your areas of Negativity.

    Examine the various aspects of your life and determine which ones you tend to be the most negative about. Are you unsure? Consult a trusted friend or coworker. They'll almost certainly be able to provide some information. A coworker may notice that you are a pessimist at work. Your spouse may have noticed that you're particularly damaging while driving. Take it one step at a time.

    Thinking Positive When Everything Is Going Wrong

    When you're mourning or going through a difficult time, it might be difficult to be cheerful. It's critical to relieve oneself of the burden of finding the silver lining at these moments. Instead, use that energy to enlist the help of others.

    It's not about suppressing every negative thought or emotion you have or avoiding uncomfortable feelings when you practice positive thinking. The lowest times in our lives are frequently the catalysts for us to go on and make significant changes.

    When you're going through a difficult period, see yourself as a good buddy in need of support and excellent guidance. What would you say to her if you were in her shoes? You'd probably accept her emotions and remind her that she has every right to be upset or furious in her situation before offering support and a gentle reminder that things will get better.


    Positive thinking isn't a cure-all, and it won't solve all of your problems. It will make challenges appear more manageable and assist you in approaching difficulties more positively and productively. Things will go wrong. Other people's conduct may disappoint or hurt you at times. This isn't to say that the world is out to get you or that everyone will disappoint you. On the other hand, positive thinkers will assess the situation realistically, look for methods to improve it, and strive to learn from their mistakes.


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