Feeling Sleepy All The Time-Causes and Treatments

Feeling Sleepy All The Time-Causes and Treatments

Sleep is extremely important in any health regimen because the human body needs rest. We should prioritize: eating, exercising, and sleeping. All three of these factors, when combined in the proper proportions, resulting in a truly healthy lifestyle.

If you want to relax your body, you may do so by relaxing your mind, and if you want to relax your mind, you can also do so by relaxing your body. However, nowadays, no matter where we look, everyone, whether a working person or a student, is overburdened with work-related stress. Most of us are tired and exhausted all the time. Here, we will address this issue with Dr Muhammad Sharafat Ali and explore the best therapies.

What Is Drowsiness (Feeling sleepy All The Time)?

Feeling drowsy or tired, or being unable to keep your eyes open, is referred to as drowsiness. Excess sleepiness, often known as drowsiness, is characterized by lethargy, weakness, and a lack of mental agility. 

While most people experience sleepiness or exhaustion at some point in their lives, persistent sleepiness or fatigue, especially at inconvenient times, can signal a sleep disorder or other medical issue.

Sleep-wake problems frequently cause drowsiness. These include various ailments, the most well-known of which are sleep apnea, insomnia, and narcolepsy. Sleep apnea is a condition in which you stop breathing during the night, usually numerous times.

Causes Of Drowsiness

Sleep disturbances frequently cause drowsiness. Sleep apnea, insomnia, and narcolepsy are among them. Sleep apnea is a condition in which you stop breathing during the night, usually numerous times.

 The lack of oxygen, along with the continual disturbance of sleep, results in daytime sleepiness, lethargy, and weariness. It's also linked to more significant problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.


Other symptoms, depending on the underlying disease, ailment, or condition, may accompany drowsiness. Additional symptoms, such as: may accompany drowsiness.

  • Mood, attitude, or behavior changes
  • Memory, thinking, speech, understanding, writing, or reading difficulties
  • Fatigue
  • Low energy consumption
  • Lethargy or malaise
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress

Treatment of Drowsiness

Here we will examine one of the best treatments in history that is genuinely prescribed by our religion and one of Hazrat Muhammad's wonderful Sunnah (PBUH).


Cupping therapy is an “ancient” form of alternative medicine. It started as a religious therapy. It's a remnant of a pre-scientific era. They had no idea about the physiological mechanisms of diseases and health at the time.

Bloodletting is a sort of cupping therapy. There are various ways to accomplish this, which we will go over in more detail later. A cup is placed against a person's skin throughout the procedure. Then, in the cup, a partial vacuum is created. The blood is drawn into the skin as a result of this. The vacuum is traditionally created by heating the air within the cup by burning incense on top of it.

Types Of Cupping

Originally, animal horns were used for cupping. The “cups” were later fashioned of bamboo, then ceramic.  Suction is achieved principally through the application of heat. The cups were first heated over a fire before being applied to the skin. The cups sucked the skin within as they cooled.

In today's world, there are two types of cupping:

  • Suction is used only in dry cupping.
  • In wet cupping,  suction and controlled therapeutic bleeding may be used.

Benefits Of Cupping Therapy

Here we are going to discuss some benefits of cupping therapy

Treats Drowsiness

When the supply of blood to the brain is reduced, drowsiness occurs. It's for this reason that they're also known as vascular headaches. When a person is exposed to a trigger, such as stress, the muscles at the skull spasm’s base restrict blood flow to the brain.

 When spasms occur, the arteries in the brain widen to compensate for the loss of blood and oxygen. The pulsating pain is caused by the pressure exerted by the enlarged arteries on the nerves.

Cupping therapy on the head, cheekbones, and neck base relax muscles and improve blood circulation. In some ways, it's reversing the causes of drowsiness. Over the forehead, the cup is moved up and down and sideways below the eyes. Other locations are also targeted, such as the left and right carotid arteries.

Faster Pain Relief And Get Rid Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Cupping can help with arthritis, lower back pain, and other pains. Headache, migraine, tooth pain, muscle pain, sciatica, and other types of pain can all be efficiently treated by cupping.

There is little time for rest and restoration in our fast-paced world. Even if we make time for physical relaxation, we are intellectually overburdened by digital distractions such as cellphones, laptops, and other devices. Chronic fatigue syndrome can result from all of these. This can be a chronic form of exhaustion. Cupping can treat this ailment.

Helps Nervous System To Work Properly

It is beneficial to the nervous system. Finally, the nervous system benefits from cupping therapy. Many diseases and abnormalities of the neurological system are becoming more widespread nowadays.

 These problems arise due to today's climatic circumstances and the abundance of new and complex machines. Many people nowadays suffer from psychological issues that are difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to treat.

Treats GIT Diseases

It's used to treat gastrointestinal problems. Cupping therapy can also be used to treat gastrointestinal ailments and diseases. There are three major powerhouses in the human body. The intestines, spleen, and stomach are the organs involved. 

These powerhouses are in charge of providing the body with heat and energy. Cupping therapy aids in the production of important digestive juices. These aid in the absorption of nutrients by the body.

Aid In Preventing Liver Disease

Cupping therapy can also aid in the prevention of liver disorders. The procedure eliminates senile and sluggish corpuscles. It also removes any contaminants that may be present in the blood. 

When this happens, blood flows more freely into the liver. As a result, the liver's functionality and productivity improve. It aids in the metabolic transformation of cholesterol. It's also in charge of converting the blood's excess triglycerides.


Drowsiness is the feeling of being fatigued during the day. Additional symptoms of drowsiness include forgetting and falling asleep at inopportune moments. We can treat this drowsiness using a procedure called cupping, which is a truly amazing treatment.


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